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eams must be comprised of 5 members
There are no restrictions on what weapon you can use as long as it can
fire a BB (no melee weaponry / knife kills)
ALL weapons must chrono under 313 fps on a .25g BB - ONLY .25g BBs are allowed (OR if playing Tourney rules - 1.1J MAX 0.9J Min on a .25)
Any hit upon your person/gear/weapon class as a hit and you are out
Ricochets do NOT count as a hit
Not calling a hit can result in penalties and being kicked out of play
When you are hit you MUST NOT yell “HIT” or make any audible indication you are hit, simply put your hand on your head, and run off the nearest side of the field
Formatted to a round-robin style tournament/event (everyone gets to play everyone)
Games will be formatted to a best of 3 system
Each game has up to 3 rounds, each round being up to 4 minutes long
4 teams will play a swap-style round format (teams A & B will play their first round then swap out with teams C & D, C & D will finish their first round then swap back out with teams A & B for their second round etc) If there are not enough teams to do this, rounds will be played back-2-back
To win a round, one member of either team must hit the opponents breakout wall/buzzer, this ends the round regardless of how many players remain on the field
If a team wins both rounds (round 1 & round 2) a 3rd round does not need to be played, but if either team has won a round each, a 3rd round will be played to decide which team wins the game
If a team has won both rounds consecutively this is classed as a BLOW-OUT win and is worth 1 extra point than a regular win (this style of scoring only works within a round-robin style tournament)
On the occasion both teams have won a round each and a 3rd round is being played and the timer runs out, this game is now considered a TIE regardless of the amount of players left on the field.
 WIN = 3 points /  TIE = 1 point / LOSS = 0 points
On the occasion of a tie for 1st place of the event - a final game will be played to decide the winner
MINOR PENALTIES; These penalties will result in a YELLOW FLAG being thrown and the offender PLUS the teammate closest to them being pulled from the field (for the point)
MINOR Penalties will be assessed through these actions:
                > Yelling “HIT” or making audible sound to communicate to your team that you are out
                > Being hit on loose parts of clothing, your weapon,  bags and belts (places you cannot                         physically feel a hit)
MAJOR PENALTIES; These penalties will result in a RED FLAG being thrown and the offender PLUS 2 other teammates closest to them being pulled from the field (for the point)
MAJOR Penalties will be assessed through these actions:
        > Being hit on the body, head, face & hands (places you can physically feel a hit)
                > Physical contact / disorderly conduct; this is strictly forbidden and can go as far as
 you being ejected from the event
> Malicious overshooting (overshooting with the CLEAR intention of trying to hurt
another player. PLEASE NOTE Overshooting is a grey area, the moment it goes
too far a MAJOR will be assessed)
If there are repeated offenders (MAJOR penalties only) you may be asked to leave the event/field for the day or possibly banned for life depending on the severity of the action
Any argument against the penalty will have to be taken up with your team captain and taken to the head referee, NO ABUSE OF REFEREEs WILL BE PERMITTED.

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